Flaketide Log

Serves about 6


For the biscuits

For the filling

For the coating

Also, you will require


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F/180 C/Gas Mark 4.
  2. To make the biscuits, melt the chocolate and then leave to cool. Beat together the butter, icing sugar and essence until light and fluffy, then stir in the melted chocolate.
  3. Sift in the flours and lightly knead the mixture to make a smooth dough.
  4. Roll out dough on a lightly-floured surface and cut out about 15 biscuits, re-rolling the scraps in between. Lift the biscuits onto baking trays and bake in pre-heated oven for about 15 minutes until cooked. Leave biscuits to firm up a little before lifting off trays to cool completely.
  5. In a bowl, stir together the brandy and fruit juice then quickly dip one side of each biscuit into the liquid, without soaking them completely.
  6. Whip together the cream and yoghurt until it holds its shape, then spoon half the mixture into another bowl.
  7. Reserving 4 cherries to decorate, chop the remainder. Chop the ginger and 4 of the Flakes and then stir into one of the whipped creams with the chopped cherries. Cover and reserve the other whipped cream.
  8. Sandwich the biscuits together with lots of the fruit cream and assemble to form a sausage shape. Wrap up loosely and chill until required.
  9. To make the coating, melt the chocolate and allow to cool.
  10. Lift the biscuit log on to a plate or board. Fold the melted chocolate into the reserved whipped cream and use to neatly cover the biscuit log completely.
  11. To decorate, chop the remaining cherries and Flake and sprinkle over the log. Keep cool until required.