Santa Festive Friends Cupcakes

Serves 16

45 minutes to make


You will also need:


  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C fan / 200°C & prepare a cupcake tin with 16 cases.
  2. Add 225g unsalted butter & 225g caster sugar to a large bowl and cream together until light and fluffy.
  3. Add in four eggs one at a time, mixing in between each. Add the ½ tsp vanilla extract with your final egg and mix in.
  4. Add your 220g gluten free self raising flour, 1 tsp baking powder and ¼ tsp xanthan gum and mix in.
  5. Separate the mixture evenly into two bowls. To one bowl add cocoa powder mixed with milk (it should be a paste), mix this in until combined.
  6. Get your 16 cupcake cases and fill them with both the vanilla and chocolate mixtures.
  7. Swirl them around with a skewer so they marble even more! Bake for 22 minutes. Then allow to cool.
  8. For the buttercream beat 125g butter then add 250g icing sugar & mix.
  9. Top with the buttercream & and a KitKat ® Festive Friends!