Bananaroon Cups

Using macaroons instead of cake gives this trifle an especially pleasing texture and taste. Use small custard cups or glasses. Serves 6-8.


Also, you will require


  1. Make up the blancmange as instructed on the packet, using the sugar and reduced quantity of milk as given in the recipe. Beat until smooth and then slowly beat in the cream. Keep covered while cooling. When cold, whisk thoroughly until thick; divide into two. Melt the chocolate then cool slightly. Slice one banana and fold into half the custard with the vanilla essence; add the chocolate to the remaining custard with the 2 tablespoons of milk.
  2. Divide the creamy banana mixture between the dishes or place in the base of a larger bowl. Sprinkle over nearly all the crushed macaroons. Reserve some slices of banana for the decoration, divide the remainder between the glasses then top with the chocolate mixture. Decorate with a Flake in each glass or round the edge of the larger bowl, a sprinkling of macaroon and banana slices. Serve cold.