Polar Bears

Makes 12


To decorate

Also you will require


  1. Melt the chocolate, then beat in the margarine, brown sugar, 1 egg and flour. Beat thoroughly for 3 minutes, then divide between the bun tins or paper cake cases.
  2. Beat the cream cheese with the caster sugar and remaining egg, then drop a good teaspoonful of the mixture onto each bun. If you use paper cake cases, arrange them close together on a baking tray so that they do not spread.
  3. Bake in an oven Gas Mark 4 / 180°C / 350°F for about half an hour until well risen. Turn out if using a bun tin, then cool on a wire tray.

The bears' heads can be made in advance and stored in the freezer. To make them, take scoops of ice-cream and decorate with Button ears on top, raisin eyes and noses and liquorice mouths. Just before serving, place a head on each bun.

To make brown bears use chocolate ice-cream with Cadbury creamy-white Buttons for ears.